published on , 5 Sep, 2024

We wish to inform all prospective graduates and the general public that the 4th graduation Ceremony of the Zambia University College of Technology (formerly Zambia ICT College), in association with the University of Zambia (UNZA) shall take place on Friday, 11TH OCTOBER, 2024 in Ndola, at the main campus.

Prospective graduates are therefore advised that clearing with the University College and confirming participation in the graduation ceremony will commence on 9th September, 2024 and end on 27th September, 2024.

Only those that shall clear with the institution shall have their names in the graduation brochure and be allowed to participate in the graduation ceremony. Those that shall not clear during the stated dates shall neither be allowed to graduate nor collect their certificates this year. To confirm participation (9th to 27th September 2024) prospective graduates are expected to:

Pay all outstanding fees;
Pay One Thousand Kwacha (K1,000.00) Graduation Fee;
Pay for either the Purchase or Hire of Gown;
Complete the Clearance Form that shall be accessible on Moodle. To get the form by email, kindly email your request to admissions@zut.edu.zm.
Prospective graduates are further advised to hire or purchase the registered gowns at Zambia University-College of Technology. Those that shall come in unauthorized gowns shall not be allowed to participate in the graduation ceremony. The amounts for the gowns are:

a. Purchase of Gown - K1,100.00 and K1,600.00
b. Hire of Gown - K1,300.00

Collection of gowns shall be between 27th September, 2024 and 4th October, 2024.

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